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Each quarter Consultum publishes a client newsletter, Connect, which is designed to provide information on recent developments in investment markets, legislation, insurance and health.
Click below to download some of the most recent quarterly newsletters.


Quarterly Economic Wraps

Below are the Economic Wraps, in them you will find a summary of markets, Australian and worldwide, together with commentary on the various asset classes and their historic performances.

For those that appreciate a deeper dive in the behaviour of markets, we hope you find it useful.


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The Garden Office Park, Building 'C' 

355 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park  WA  6017

PO Box 134 Mt Hawthorn WA 6915

wp financial planners

Telephone: (08) 9340 9200



WPFP Pty Ltd t/as WP Financial Planners is an Authorised Representative of Consultum Financial Advisers Pty Ltd ABN 65 006 373 995 l AFSL 230323.

Consultum is part of the IOOF group comprising IOOF Holdings Limited, ABN 49 100 103 722 (ASX: IFL) 


This site is designed for Australian residents only. Nothing on this website is an offer or a solicitation of an offer to acquire any products or services, by any person or entity outside of Australia.



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